Menu Bar

All of the tools necessary to build and run a model and view the corresponding output are accessed through the menu bar. The menu bar is located just beneath the ProModel caption bar and contains the selections listed on the following page. These selections access other menus with selections related to the menu heading.

File The File menu allows you to open new models, save current models, and merge two or more models into one. It also allows you to view a text version of the model and print either the model text file or the graphic layout of the model. For more information, see File Menu.

Edit The Edit menu contains selections for editing the contents of edit tables and logic windows. The selections available from this menu will change according to the module from which the Edit menu is selected. They also vary according to the currently selected window. For more information, see Edit Menu.

View The View menu lets you control ProModel’s appearance. From this menu you can control layout settings, hide or view hidden paths, operate the zoom controls, and more. For more information, see View Menu.

Build The Build menu contains all of the modules for creating and editing a model. This includes the basic modules such as Locations, Entities, Arrivals and Processing, and the optional modeling elements such as Variables, Attributes, Arrays, and Subroutines. For more information, see Build Menu.

Simulation The Simulation menu controls the execution of a simulation and contains options for running a model, defining model parameters, and defining and running scenarios. For more information, see Simulation Menu.

Output The Output selection starts the ProModel Output Viewer 3DR for viewing model output. It also allows you to view the trace generated during run-time. For more information, see Reports and Graphs.

Tools The Tools menu contains various utilities including the Graphics Editor for creating and modifying graphic icons and a search and replace feature for finding or replacing expressions throughout a model. For more information, see Tools Menu.

Window The Window menu allows you to arrange the windows (or iconized windows) that are currently displayed on the screen such that all windows are visible at once. It also allows you to bring any individual window to the forefront of the display. For more information, see Window Menu.

Help The Help menu accesses the ProModel Online Help system. For more information, see Help Menu.